Phillip Angel
Director of Pupil Personnel
Email: phillip.angel@lee.kyschools.us
Phone: (606) 464 - 5064
Lee County Schools currently enroll approximately 850 students in grades K-12. The Lee County Board of Education firmly believes that regular school attendance is a student, parent and community responsibility. All students are expected to attend class every day that school is in session. Student academic achievement is greatly associated with regular and punctual daily attendance.

I am honored to serve Lee County as Director of Pupil Personnel and Federal Grants Coordinator. As a lifelong Lee Countian and educator, I look forward to the challenges ahead.
I graduated Lee County High School in 1998 and EKU in 2003. I have been a substitute teacher, Alternative school teacher, History teacher, Assistant Principal, Middle School athletic director, Coach and now DPP all for Lee County School.
My wife, Karen and I have 4 wonderful children, Holly, Kara, Brystal and Bryce plus a couple dogs. We love to travel and spend time with family. In 2014, we also purchased the Bobcat Dairy Bar.